EAGLE III's mission is to maximize health outcomes by providing high-quality, compassionate patient care and safe, rapid medical transportation.
Drone Safety
Emergency responders, on the ground and in the air, are discovering the presence of drone aircraft with increasing frequency, creating major safety and operational concerns. Encounters during the course of emergency medical transport operations, pose a safety risk to medical flight crews and their patients. Drone aircraft interfering with air medical flights cause delays getting patients-in-need to the appropriate healthcare facilities. The ability of piloted aircraft to see small drones in ample time to avoid them cannot be presumed. Many drones are simply too small, are often travelling too fast, and are virtually invisible to air medical crews.
The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 published rules for the use of drones (unmanned aircraft). A brief overview can be reviewed here: Click Here
We recognize both the utility of drones for commercial purposes and the recreational activities of hobbyist drone operators. All of us at EAGLE III ask that drone operators respectfully and safely share the airspace, follow published FAA rules, and allow us as emergency responders to perform our duties safely, without necessary delays, or risks to flight operations.
Laser Hazards to Aviation
Pointing lasers at an aircraft can distract pilots and cause temporary or permanent blindness. Lasers can also create a glare in the cockpit affecting the pilot’s vision and cause further injury to patients and medical crew in the aircraft. This risk is amplified further, as EAGLE III crews utilize night-vision equipment. Night vision goggles (NVG) amplify ambient light thousands of times. As a result, even relatively low powered lasers can pose extreme hazards to the crew and the safe operation of the aircraft.
Aiming a laser pointer at an aircraft is a federal offense that carries a potential five-year prison sentence. In Wisconsin, it’s also a class I felony to obstruct emergency or rescue personnel and class F felony for reckless endangerment.
Lasers may be used in many different types of devices; laser pointers, range finders, gun sights, even some types of Christmas lights. All of us at EAGLE III ask that users of these devices use caution and due regard for aircraft. Never point a laser at an aircraft. Not only is it illegal, the consequences could be tragic.

“The entire crew was wonderful! I knew my son was in excellent care!”